Cue the Music

Cue the Music
Photo by Igor Omilaev / Unsplash

Remember in the 90s sitcoms when music cued the "teachable moment?" Can you still hear the music on Full House when one of the adults comes in for the lesson and hugs? Oh, how incredibly cheesy! But who doesn't love a good cheese?

Too bad there is no cue in real life to help us identify the moments. Are we missing the moments or making circumstances in our lives entirely more complicated than they need to be?

Perhaps we make things complicated because we prefer a familiar hell as opposed to the unknown, and bad company as opposed to none. Perhaps it is easier to list all the reasons why HERE is awful instead of - just leaving.

No, life isn't always that simple, but sometimes it is. What would Danny tell D.J.? I think it would be pretty simplistic.

So I guess the moral of the story is - cue the music...

If we aren't treated well by a person - walk away
If we hate our job - look for another
If we're lonely - reach out for some good company
If we're confused or stuck - reach out for good counsel

Life is too short and long to settle, and darling you deserve to be happy. And it's just that simple.


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