Fan Therapy

Fan Therapy

Does anybody remember talking into a fan?

Funny how we could spend countless hours just letting our imagination run wild. We could open an entire bakery with mud pies. Travel to a volcano and back while avoiding hot lava on the ground. Teach a whole course in front of a classroom of stuffed animals. Or if you're weird like me you could serve a whole church communion. And we could transform our voice with a simple fan.  

I thought about all the times I sat before a big ol' dusty box fan. The air blasted directly in my face as I recited movie lines, conversed in hilarious voices with my brother, or merely spouted gibberish. It served no purpose other than to tickle and entertain my little soul.  

I could not shake the thought of that fan and the simplicity it represented. I have decided I'm gonna plop my little self in front of a fan. And do what you ask? Welp, enjoy the sound of my quivering robotic voice and repeat some affirmations that make me smile.  

Put your hair up, drink some coffee, put on some gangsta rap, and handle it.

Was it a bad day? Or was it a bad five minutes that you milked all day?

Giving up on your goal because of one setback is like slashing your other three tires because you got a flat.  

It’s never too late to get your shit together. 

Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.  

Let's try to recapture and repurpose the simple pleasures. The good things. The delightful things. The silly innocent things that once brought us so much joy.   


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