Leap Year

Leap Year
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi / Unsplash

Thirty days has September,

April, June, and November,

All the rest have thirty-one,

But February's twenty-eight,

The leap year, which comes once in four,

Gives February one day more.

So what did y'all do with one day more?

Every four years the calendar gods sprinkle an extra day onto the end of Black History Month. I don't know that I've ever given the day much thought. An extra day, huh?

Apparently, it takes Earth 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds to orbit the sun, according to NASA. Without Leap Days, in 100 years, calendars would be 24 days off.  That's bananas.

Six hours a year doesn't sound like much, but over time, it's enough to throw off the entire Gregorian Calendar. Just like when your lady days are one day late or early a month, it can ruin the trip you planned at the end of the year! But I digress. The point is one day matters. One hour can matter.  

Tiny time frames over time can accumulate to real change and progress. Leap day or not, what are you gonna do with your extra time? 


Flo(w): Leap Day TV Episodes

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