The Nail on the Head

The Nail on the Head
Photo by Lucio Patone / Unsplash

I don't pretend to know the existential crisis of a hammer...

The hammer does, however, have an intended purpose for which it was created, and that purpose never comes into question by the hammer itself or the user.

Don't get me wrong, I have seen them wielded as a weapon. I have seen some that have never been used, only to collect dust deep in a drawer. Nevertheless, misuse holds no bearing on the hammer's value or purpose. It is still a hammer and it is not lamenting its inability to saw or screw.

If comparison is the thief of joy, I would propose that doubt is the thief of purpose and fear the perpetrator of that theft. These fears are commonly rooted in a lie.


What were you created to do?

Can you name the lie preventing you from doing that very thing?

Has being misused created self-doubt in your value or purpose?


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