The Splits

The Splits
Photo by Aditya Ali / Unsplash

Have you ever tried to do the splits?

Good Lord, it feels like your cooch is going to snap in half.
There are entire videos and tutorials dedicated to helping people achieve said act step by step.

It's a long process. It takes commitment. It's uncomfortable! While it may come naturally to some folks, it can take longer for others - but it's achievable.

My cheerleading career consisted of one try-out day and me busting my tail after a failed cartwheel. Achieving this Barbie-like act is only pertinent at this stage in my life if I want to do something freaky but we all have "splits" we want to accomplish.

Follow the process, stretch, and allow yourself to sit with the discomfort. Each day you will get a little closer. You will not split in half or break. It will take time, but time is passing regardless. So, let's fill it with things that make us better, stronger, and happier.

Take time to do the splits. You got this, I promise.


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